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Empowered, Emboldened, Ordained

"Organic" is a big selling point for a lot of people, at least for now. I am concerned that it'll just be the next craze that will die down eventually. Just like the whole "Gluten Free" thing you see everywhere today. A year from now the mob mentality will be on to the next catch phrase.

I prefer to live in abundance, and reject the attempts to illicit fear. Some may try to say I'm burying my head in the sand, but seriously? First it was Radon that was bad for you. Then Ozone is bad for you, but we don't have enough of it. Then they can't make up their mind if it's CO2 or CO that is really bad for you. It's always going to be something because someone always wants the general public fearful of soemthing so that they will buy a certain product or vote for a specific person.

Bottom line, the #1 cause of death, for all time, is Birth. My motto is, "Nobody gets out of life alive, so don't take it so seriously."

I reject the idea of a zero sum game!

I reject the fear mongering that  is used in an attempt to control me!

I am a WINNER! I am Successful!

I am Empowered, Emboldened, and Ordained by my creator for GREATNESS!

Peace and Love to you all!

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